How I Run a Polygon Node for Flashloan Bots

As I talked about in the previous story, I have been running a polygon node for 2 months for arbitrage flashloan trades. It costs $470 last month. Yes, it is a big expense, at least for me. So far I…


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Why do people stay in a bad relationship?

Breaking up is always difficult.

You start by believing this is going to last forever. To death do we part. That’s clearly the scared promise anyway.

I guess this is why it’s difficult to admit defeat when relationship sours. How could I have got so wrong, when I was so right?

Not to mention the issue of time, and possibly money. How could he/she treats me this way, when I have been nothing but a devoted partner?

Relationship is an investment of time and money. We don’t like to think this way but it is. We stayed in a bad relationship because we failed to recognise our role as a good investor.

As a good investor we’d always know what we’d like to get back from our investment, be it time or money. We’d budget accordingly. We’d set benchmarks and timeframe. We know where we’re going and where we’d like to be. We KNOW our investment.

We’d also take measures to protect ourselves. We’ll continue upskilling, and diversify. We’ll not be thinking this one thing alone will bring us everything we need.

And when a particularly investment does not perform, we’d investigate the issues immediately, talk to stakeholders, find solutions, and cut losses if necessary.

We will not linger and do nothing.

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