A Sense Of Urgency

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How Gentleness Can Work For You in Unexpected Ways

Is there really strength in softness?


Yet it can penetrate mountains and the Earth if it wishes to!

Under both circumstances, water as the basic element essentially remains the same. It is one oxygen and two hydrogen.

That’s it.

Adopt the gentle approach in life and see where it leads you. Notice the depth that a change in your attitude can take you to.

Be like water.

Start listening before you take charge of the situation.

People are in need of listening ears and silent tongues. People are in need of love and affection. We need more understanding beings on earth and not just another quintal to add on.

Gentleness taught me to strike a balance with life —To stop feeling as if it has taken control over me.

Learn to keep mum when overwhelmed by emotions.

Mum when angry, mum when agitated, mum when irritated.

You will find most of the superfluous emotions pass away when unattended. Most of the acts that you might regret later, you have saved yourself for good!

©Nupoor. All rights reserved.

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