I Bribed My Child to go to School

What started as a bribe has now turned into a family tradition. When my son began Pre-K, he absolutely refused to go back the second day. My husband was traveling for work. My 2-year-old was crying…


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The Devastating Earthquake And Tsunami In Japan

It was ten years ago

Neighborhoods were destroyed (Image is author’s)

So many lives were lost and ruined

Ten years ago on March 11, 2011, a terrible earthquake and tsunami hit the northeastern coast of Japan. More than 20,000 lives were lost, and the damage was beyond imagination. It was a huge natural disaster of gigantic proportions. Changes can come quickly to bring problems to life.

Cars were damaged (Image is author’s)

A close friend of mine was also a friend of Thomas Tighe, the President and CEO of Direct Relief International, which is a premier humanitarian aid organization. Direct Relief’s mission as stated on their website is:

A large ship was moved out of the water and was on land (Image is author’s)

The JACL was able to partner with Direct Relief in their ongoing efforts to help the people of Japan. They already had large donors who stepped up, and the JACL was able to work with them to gain additional funds. The JACL also helped Direct…

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